Thursday, October 3, 2019

TV and Radio Essay Example for Free

TV and Radio Essay There are many mediums for information, entertainment and communication purposes. Such as internet, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and others. In this individual talk I’m going to discuss two of them. That is- TV and Radio. First I’m going to start with TV. The TV is one invention, like the car, computer and wheel which has changed mankind and the way that we do virtually everything. The TV was invented in the early part of the twentieth century and was only available in black and white. And in nowadays almost every household owns at least one TV set. Flat screen television is occupying many of the homes and digital TV is not a miracle anymore as well. Viewers can just sit there, flick through channels and choose anything they like- documentaries, soap operas, talk shows, sports, sitcoms, various foreign language programs and many more. With technology becoming more and more advanced TV watchers after paying a little extra can have such options as recording favourite shows, sports games, films etc. f they don’t have time to watch it while they are broadcasted. With the press on remote controller people can create their own watch list, participate in various live contests, donate money, order food, buy certain items that they see on the infomercials, they can even forward the commercials or skip them at all while watching an interesting movie. Consumer is given a greater power of control, but does it make him or her happier? I really doubt it. I have a friend who once said that the main evening question in their family is TV3 or LNK? Instead of talking in candle lights she and her husband are arguing over which politician is right and which is wrong, which TV celebrity is entertaining, and which is not. Instead of visiting places they are becoming more and more of the couch potatoes and not because they really want to but because it is an easier option. I personally don’t own a TV and the only time I miss it is when the football is on Which as a consequence just means an extra pleasant visit to see my friends. Another very popular media is radio. The creation of radio started in the mid 1800s with the theoretical discussions of electricity and magnetism being related to each other. Scientists who contributed to the development of radio were James Maxwell, William Henry Ward, Mahlon Loomis, Thomas Edison and Marconi. The 1920s truly were the birth years of modern radio, the mass development of radios made it possible for almost every home to own a radio. In our days many devices are created to catch radio waves such as mobile phones, mp3 players, CD players and others. It is possible to listen to the radio online, however, most of the people are listening to the radio while driving or at their work places. As far as the programs are concerned many of them are very similar to what TV is showing, except that with radio you can’t see anything so you have to use your imagination. News, various live talk shows and quizzes, interviews, games, voting contests are very popular on radio channels. It is possible that radio is more based on a dialogue and television on a monologue. All in all, I think that both mediums are fascinating and equally important to technological, cultural, economical and social development. However, I prefer to listen to the radio than watch TV. Except for the news program, radio channels usually concentrates on positive shows, positive messages, one can hear a lot of laughing during those shows. And of course singing in high squeaky voice while travelling to work does put me in a better mood. What is more radio is eye friendly and less time consuming.

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